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Statue of Unity : The harsh reality

world's tallest statue is now in our country. What a proud moment, right? Now the whole world will look at us with respect. lakhs and crores of people will visit the statue and it will promote the tourism industry. This will increase the number of jobs. and what tribute we have given to Sardar Patelji by making his world's tallest statue This is not said by me, this is what we get to hear about the Statue of Unity. So let's look at the various aspects of this statue like economical, cultural, social, political and aspects related to tourism and pride and analyse this statue completely. Let's find out the truth of this statue. The entire cost of this whole project is around 3000 crore rupees. where the approximate cost of only the statue itself is estimated to rupees 1,350 crores. which is 180 million dollars as per today's conversion rate. In comparison to this, the tallest statue in the world so far was The Buddha statue of Spring Temple, China. Now this has bec...
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